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In the Spotlight: Constantinos MYLONAS and Elena SARROPOULOU


i) What is your contribution to the MedAID project?
In MedAID, we are working in Workpackage 2 (WP2-Improving Zootechnical Performance).  In this WP we work on the improvement of rearing conditions and feeding strategies that are fundamental to improve the key performance indicators of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata).  The research addresses current gaps in fish feeding, management practices and fish behavior, welfare and interlinks with genetics (WP3). Research is carried out not only in experimental laboratory trials and pilot tests, but also at farm level through case studies in Spain and Greece.Continue reading

The Need for Simplicity and Multidisciplinary Approaches in Aquaculture

Whenever a new technology with direct effect on our activity comes to light, it usually dazzles us. That first flash, the glow of novelty, is sometimes so intense that we forget the basics and focus on finding a direct, immediate application for it; and if it is a complex application, so much the better.

If we look at the unmet needs of farmers, as we are doing in projects such as MedAID or PerformFish, we realise the importance of ignoring those dazzling flashes and of the obligation to adopt a multidisciplinary approach based on simplicity, although in order to reach this simplicity, first we must go through a process that is apparently very complex. Such is our case.Continue reading

20 ways to understand a Cluster

The open session for reflection upon innovation challenges in the aquaculture sector took place yesterday. The event was organised by Acuiplus with the collaboration of the Spanish Aquaculture Association (SEA) and the Technical School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering of Madrid.

The Acuiplus cluster aims at providing a meeting point among companies from the aquaculture sector in order to foster innovation and promote cooperation, complementarity and communication. Thus, it endeavours to contribute to the improvement of competitiveness, impact and international visibility of its members. Acuiplus comprises more than 25 firms and institutions which belong to the aquaculture industry’s value chain.Continue reading

MedAID experts participate in a course on advances in fish reproduction and their application to broodstock management

IAMZ-CIHEAM, together with IATS_CSIC, has organised a specialised course for professionals on Advances in fish reproduction and their application to broodstock management from 19-23 February 2018, at Torre de la Sal, Castellón, Spain.

As in many other parts of the world, fish farming is expanding rapidly in the Mediterranean, where for certain species, particularly trout, sea bream, sea bass, tilapia, carp and mullet, aquaculture already makes up most of the production. The development of intensive culture is conditioned by the control of reproduction and broodstock management, thus facilitating permanent supply of constant and optimum quality fry, so as to permit large-scale culture up to market size.Continue reading

Meet our team – WP5 – Product development, market and consumer assessment

The changes that the European consumer is experiencing in terms of new lifestyles, trends and habits in food purchasing and consumption, and others as increasing food environmental awareness, are influencing the development of innovations in the food market regarding new products concepts but also affecting production and market strategies and commercialization channels.

Mediterranean aquaculture industry faces these new challenges in an increasingly globalized market with competitiveness as the key factor and in which Innovations in the supply chain are as important as innovations in production. With and Increasing fish demand Aquaculture will be the clearly most important seafood production technology in next years.Continue reading


From today to the 25th of January, Diversify Project celebrates its ANNUAL COORDINATION MEETING. The first 2 days will be held at the Faculty of Physics, ULL and the 3rd day at the IEO in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The event will be hosted by Drs. Jose Perez and Covadonga Rodriguez (ULL), and Salvador Jerez and Virginia Martin (IEO).

The project is coordinated by our colleague Dinos Mylonas from the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), who takes part in MedAID in Work Package 2 Improving Zootechnical Performance and Work Package 8 Integrated proposals for an innovative and competitive sector.Continue reading

MedAID and PerformFISH collaborations achievements during 2017

MedAID (Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development), together with PerformFISH (Integrating Innovative Approaches for Competitive and Sustainable Performance across the Mediterranean Aquaculture Value Chain), are two RIA (Research and Innovation Action) which have been approved under the call SFS-23-2016 “Improving the technical performance of the Mediterranean aquaculture”. The Commission and the Project Coordination Teams of PERFORMFISH and MedAID understand the need to establish efficient coordination mechanisms between the two projects in order to avoid duplication of effort, maximise resources, and seek for synergies between the two consortia. Thus, an effective, dynamic and regular collaboration between the two projects is desirable and it has been pursued to increase the scope and soundness of the results, project impacts and its legacy.Continue reading

Co-creation workshop on “Mediterranean Aquaculture: Trends & New product ideas”


On 30 November 2017, in Derio (Spain) our colleagues from AZTI, leader of the WP5: Product development, market and consumer assessment, have organized a Co-creation workshop on “Mediterranean Aquaculture: Trends & New product ideas”. The workshop is part of the Task 5.1. Product concept development, and it aims to review present Seafood trends and to discuss about the generation of new Seafood product concepts. It will count on the participation of partners from WP-5 and members of the Market Advisory Group (MAG).Continue reading

Meet our team – WP1 – Holistic sustainability assessment of Mediterranean marine fish farming sector

Aerial view of IRTA Centre at San Carles de la Ràpita (Delta del Ebro, Tarragona, Spain)

The aquaculture industry is in a period of total reinvention around the world, but at Mediterranean level there is a need to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the whole value chain, because even although there seems to be an acceleration in the reorganization of the sector, there has not been a significant increase in production.

Aquaculture as a business generates an economic interest but, above all, we cannot forget that aquaculture is a source of food, crucial and essential to feed humanity and to ensure the world’s food security. This is clearly specified in the analysis document of the State of Fisheries and Aquaculture FAO 2016, which states that “aquaculture will become the main driver of change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector“. Aquaculture is the productive industrial activity that will play a crucial role in providing solutions to the millennium challenges. Globally this is the main idea that exists under the MedAID EU Horizon 2020 project, increasing the overall competitiveness and sustainability of the whole value chain in the Mediterranean marine aquaculture sector and contributing to provide solutions.Continue reading

Aquaculture Europe 2017. Participation of MedAID in the Industry Forum: Cooperation in Mediterranean Aquaculture: A Croatian Perspective


The recent main event of the European Aquaculture Society (EAS), Aquaculture Europe 17 – Cooperation for Growth (AE2017), held in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik (Croatia) was again a great success, with 1700 participants from more than 60 countries.

During the congress, as in previous EAS conferences, an industry Forum took place: “Mediterranean Cooperation Industry Forum”. It was a one-day meeting (held on 20th September 2017), to deal with the main challenges that Mediterranean aquaculture must face.Continue reading