MedAID 3rd Annual Meeting

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Do you want to participate in our 3rd annual meeting?
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Sessions will be held in English, with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish.

23rd June 2020

08:30 Registration and welcome
09:00 Presentation of aims and agenda of the Meeting (MedAID project coordinators)
09:15 WP2: Improving Zootechnical Performance – Work carried out, achievements, problems and solutions (WP leader: Alicia Estevez, IRTA)
09:30 Water flow induced swimming exercise in gilthead seabream Sparus aurata: muscle growth, stress coping and activity patterning by accelerometry (Arjan Palstra, WUR)
09:40 Insights from high throughput non-coding RNA sequencing during European sea bass development reared at different temperatures (Elena Sarropoulou, HCMR)
09:50 Debate
10:00 WP3: Genetics and breeding – Work carried out, achievements, problems and solutions (WP leader: Anna Sonesson, Nofima)
10:15 Genetic analysis of population structure for seabream (Maria Saura, INIA)
10:25 Development and validation of the combined sea bass and sea bream SNP array (Ross Houston, Roslin Institute)
10:35 Debate
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 WP4: Health management and diseases and fish welfare – Work carried out, achievements, problems and solutions (WP leader: Edgar Brun, NVI)
11:30 Task 4.1. Assess the risk of relevant pathogens and emerging diseases in the Mediterranean basin (Saraya Tavornpanich, NVI)
11:40 Task 4.2. Strengthening diagnostic capacities by harmonizing competences (Snježana Zrnčić, HVI)
11:50 Debate
12:00 End of open sessions

24th June 2020

08:30 Registration and welcome
09:00 WP5: Product development, market and consumer assessment – Work carried out, achievements, problems and solutions (WP leader: Irene Peral, Azti)
09:15 New fish products ideas generated by consumers to consumers (Laura López-Mas, IRTA)
09:25 Aquaculture seafood products development at pilot scale (Raquel Llorente, AZTI)
09:35 Debate
09:45 WP6: Improving business performance and strategic marketing plans – Work carried out, achievements, problems encountered and solutions (WP leader: José Manuel Fernández Polanco, UC)
10:00 Mass media coverage of aquaculture:  Assessing the effect of news characteristics on aquaculture demand (Ángel Herrero, UC)
10:10 Support for decision-making in aquaculture companies (Manuel Luna, UC)
10:20 Debate
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 WP7: Social acceptability and governance – Work carried out, achievements, problems encountered and solutions (WP leader: José Pérez, Ifremer)
11:15 Regional guidelines on social acceptability of aquaculture. A vision for the Mediterranean and Black Sea (Davide Fezzardi, FAO)
11:25 The social acceptability of aquaculture in Greece (Conides and Katia Frangoudes, HCMR
11:35 Debate
11:45 WP8: Integrated proposals for an innovative and competitive sector – Work-package progress and MedAID Dashboard (Dolors Furones and Cristobal Aguilera, IRTA)
12:00 Debate
12:15 End of open sessions