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1st MedAID Regional Workshop: Holistic sustainability assessment of Mediterranean aquaculture

MedAID organizes the 1st MedAID Regional Workshop on Holistic Sustainability Assessment of Mediterranean Aquaculture. The workshop will be held at the IRTA Centre Sant Carles de la Ràpita on 24 January.

The objectives of this MedAID regional workshop are i) to present the analysis of the survey conducted to assess the sustainability of the Mediterranean marine fish farming sector (Deliverable D1.2 – Assessment of Mediterranean Aquaculture Sustainability); and ii) to discuss the results obtained with representatives of the surveyed companies, other aquaculture producers and other key players of the sector in order to obtain their inputs and gain a broader vision from the whole value chain of Mediterranean aquaculture.

The workshop will have 70 participants from 14 countries that are involved in the whole value chain – company managers, associations, researchers, aquaculture farm workers, etc.

All updated information on the workshop is available on the MedAID web page and twitter account.

Deliverable D1.2 – Assessment of Mediterranean Aquaculture Sustainability

Aquaculture is a source of food, critical and essential to feed humanity and to ensure the world’s food security, and, also is a business that generates economic interest. This is clearly specified in the FAO’s 2016 State of Fisheries and Aquaculture report, which states that “aquaculture will become the main driver of change in the fisheries and aquaculture sector“. Aquaculture is the main productive industrial activity that will play a crucial role in providing solutions to the millennium challenges. Overall, this is the main idea that exists under the MedAID EU Horizon 2020 project.

Production and productivity of Mediterranean marine fish aquaculture, mainly seabass and seabream, are stagnating or growing slowly as a result of multiple and interrelated causes. To accomplish the objective of improving its competitiveness and sustainability, MedAID is structured in a series of interdisciplinary Work-packages (WPs) to assess technical, environmental, market, socioeconomic and governance weaknesses.Continue reading