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Health forum discussion on Sparicotylosis

Dates: 2-13 July 2018
Forum coordinator: Dr. Snježana Zrnčić, HVI. Zagreb, Croatia.
Discussion moderator: Dr. Ivona Mladineo, ZOR, Split. Croatia.

The discussion on Sparicotylosis is the first topic addressed by the MedAID Health Forum, which is conceived as a platform that will gather field diagnosticians, laboratories, relevant authorities in charge of disease management in the Mediterranean mariculture and other stakeholders

This parasitosis is caused by the relatively large monogenean – Sparicotyle (syn. Microcotyle) chrysophrii that can be observed by naked eye. Although once considered as a specialist monogenean species that infects exclusively the gilthead sea bream, today we know that it parasitises also other wild sparids (bogue, pickerel) present at the farm sites. Continue reading


Sparycotyle chrysophrii is a monogenean gill parasite specific for the sea bream (Sparus aurata), causing mortalities when contacted at high prevalence (61.5%) in fish cages (Sanz, 1992; Alvarez-Pellitero, 2004; Vigianou et al. 2006). A parasite has been isolated from the wild (Rajduković and Euzet, 1989; Faisal and Imam, 1990) and the cultured sea bream, and cultured sharpsnout bream (Diplodus puntazzo) (Mladineo and Maršić-Lučić, 2007).Continue reading

In the Spotlight: Saioa RAMOS

i) What is your contribution to the MedAID project?
In MedAID, I am working on Work-package 1 (Holistic sustainability assessment of Mediterranean aquaculture: zootechnical, environmental, economic, social and governance). This Work-package will carry out a thorough holistic assessment of the sustainability of the Mediterranean marine fish farming sector, with a particular focus on the farm’s zootechnical performance, environmental and social sustainability, health, welfare and diseases, economic aspects and governance.Continue reading

In the Spotlight: Niccoló VENDRAMIN and Sofie BARSØE

i) What is your contribution to the MedAID project?
In MedAID, We are working on Work-package 4 “Health Management and diseases and health”.  This workpakage has the overall objective of improving the health and welfare of fish in the Mediterranean basin.
This objective is addressed in several tasks in the workpackage, where we participate as leader of Task 4.3 which has the objective to develop and test a new innovative vaccine to protect sea bass against infection with betanodavirus. Continue reading

Deliverable 5.1 – Identification of product and market requirements of aquaculture chain stakeholders

Author/s: Irene Gartzia (AZTI), Irene Peral (AZTI), Begoña Alfaro (AZTI), Sonia Riesco (AZTI), Elena Santa Cruz (AZTI), Athanasios Krystallis (HCMR), Karen Brunso (AU), Violeta Stancu (AU), Anna Claret (IRTA), Luis Guerrero (IRTA)

Mediterranean aquaculture industry faces new challenges in an increasingly globalized market with competitiveness as the key factor and in which Innovations in the supply chain are as important as innovations in production. With and Increasing fish demand Aquaculture will be the clearly most important seafood production technology in next years.Continue reading

In the Spotlight: Juan FERNÁNDEZ ALDANA

Although not being a partner of the MedAID project, in this occasion we invite Juan Fernández Aldana to participate “In the Spotlight” section. Juan is a PhD in Biology Sciences and MSc in aquaculture, and since 2015 he is the Coordinator of APROMAR-REMA.

i) What is APROMAR-REMA?
REMA (Aquaculture Marine Experimentation Network ) is a network created by APROMAR (Spanish Aquaculture Producers Association). APROMAR represents most aquaculture farmers in Spain. Its members produce finfish, shellfish, crustaceans and algae, as well as goods and services to the industry. It defends their common interests before any instance, advising, managing and reporting.Continue reading