Aquaculture development faces several technological, environmental and economic challenges. However, one of the major constraints that might explain the stagnation of aquaculture in Europe is the use of commercial feeds formulated with increasing amounts of plant proteins and oils and reduced amounts of fish-derived ingredients. Work Package 2 – Improving zootechnical performance- aims at better understanding the use of these commercial diets during marine fish ongrowing having in account factors such as summer and winter temperatures, fish density, stressing conditions, environmental changes, managing practices, and learn how to use the feeds according to different situations. Research will be carried out both in experimental trials, but also at farm case studies.
i) Address the problem of fat deposition in European sea bass
ii) Improve juvenile quality for ongrowing by understanding the role of epigenetics
iii) Determine optimal conditions for juveniles for improving their performance during ongrowing
iv) Reduce feed conversion rate, improve health and stress tolerance using better rearing and feeding strategies
v) Improve welfare by minimising stressful events using nutritional modulation and/or immune stimulation